Genesis 5: Enoch, Walking by Faith
Genesis 32: Worship Where You Are
Exodus 33: Detours on the Road to the Promised Land
Psalm 4: Of Secret Stashes and Caches
Psalm 9: A Good Stronghold
Psalm 16: King David vs. Martha Stewart
Psalm 24: Gates of Brass
Psalm 111: Back to the Basics
Psalm 119: Finding the Balance
Psalm 120: A Mom’s Psalm 120
Psalm 121: On the Road Again
Psalm 122: You Can Go Home Again
Psalm 123: Betrayal By My Own Body
Psalm 124: Drift Away
Psalm 125: Don’t Hate Me Because I’m Beautiful
Psalm 126: Glory Days
Psalm 128: Heard It Through the (grape) Vine
Psalm 129: The Woman at the Well
Psalm 130: Love That Won’t Let Go
Psalm 133: I’d Like To Teach The World To Sing
Psalm 134: Shake It Off
Proverbs 1: For Him Who Has Ears
Proverbs 2: Beware The Grim Reeker
Proverbs 3: Trust in Whom???
Proverbs 19:21 Making It Up As We Go Along
Isaiah 40: Which One Do You Want First?
Isaiah 43: Furless Feline Finally Fabricates Fur Facsimile
Isaiah 46: Gas Money
Isaiah 52: The Joy Set Before Him
Isaiah 61: Sometimes That Pony Can Be Hard to Find
Mark 2: Friends Who Break Through The Roof Tiles
Luke 2: Divine Appointments
Luke 5: It’s The Relationship, Stupid
Luke 5: New Wine
Luke 5: A Change in the World Order
Luke 5: Lessons from Mad Men, Matt Weiner, and the Gospel of Luke
Luke 6: You Find What You’re Looking For
John 5: The Healing at the Pool
John 6: Just My Little Bit
John 7: Joy to the World
John 14: An Orphan Mentality
Acts 12: Name It, Claim It, Not So Much
Romans 15: Cords of Connection
Galatians 4: Abba
Galatians 5: Old Blue Eyes Kinda Knew What He Was Talkin’ About
Galatians 5: Walking – But Not By Sight
Galatians 5: Gentleness is Not for Weenies
Ephesians 2: The Good Works That He Prepared in Advance For Us to Do