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Yesterday, I read this verse from Isaiah, in regard to the Servant of the Lord (the Messiah):
“The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught. The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears, and I have not been rebellious. I have not drawn back.”
Because I am a Christ-follower, and have determined that I want to be more like Him, I thought about His relationship to His Father. I thought about how He got up early in the morning, and went out, to be alone and pray. I thought, “That is the time when the Sovereign Lord spoke to Him, when He was able to listen to Him. But me? I fear I HAVE drawn back from spending time with my Father in heaven.”
So, this morning, I got up early, prayed and sat down to spend time reading my Bible, and trying to hear from God.
And this is what happened:
Sooze. I NEED you. |
Good Morning, Susie. |
Jesus didn’t have any stupid dogs.
THAT’S where I went wrong.
How am I supposed to become a spiritual giant, when they NEED???
In as much as you have done it for one of the least of these, you’ve done it unto me, right?
This morning, apparently, Jesus needed to go outside, and when He needed to be let back in, He needed a treat.
He can be awfully demanding some mornings.
Just a few short years ago, it was babies that needed to be nursed, and then toddlers who couldn’t fix their own breakfasts, and then, slowly, my kids have become more independent, and now, they do a lovely job of caring for their physical needs in the morning.
But these dang dogs STILL haven’t grown thumbs. And their fine motor skills are wagging lagging way behind.
Seriously, Lord, I’m TRYING to listen. I’m TRYING to incline my ear, but it’s hard to hear you over Deacon D. Dawg’s raucous, eardrum-piercing, insistent DEMAND of a bark at the door. And Pillie’s endless, sucking emotional NEEDINESS for a hard head scratch and a deep soulful look into my eyes.
Dear Lord, speak to me, anyway. Use me, anyway. Give me Your love, because I’m about a quart low, and I’ve got a full day of loving ahead that I need to do. Holy Spirit, breathe into me, and through me today, the love of the Father. I love You, my dear Father in heaven. Thank You for loving me first. Despite my dogs. Amen.
Wednesday 16th of March 2011
Oh my look at those big ole puppy eyes.
Definitely cannot ignore those!
Wednesday 16th of March 2011
Hey sweetie, I just wanted to thank ya for poppin' over with your sweeti comment and hoppin' on my blog. I sure hope ya'll enjoy the ride.
God bless and in the words of that silly old Granny Clampett, "ya'll come back now...ya hear!!!"
Amy-Busy Savoring the Sweet Life!
Wednesday 16th of March 2011
What a great post. This is how I feel when I am trying to do my Bible study and my 3 year old is bouncing around me. Somehow, though, it all sinks in and I am a better person for that time spent trying to hear what God is saying. Thanks for visiting my blog, by the way!
Wednesday 16th of March 2011
Heeehehehe, "Deacon D. Dawg'...girl ya crack me up and heaven knows this old Ozark Farm Chick doesn't need any more wrinkles...can somebody pass me some Spackle??? :o)
I just popped over from PW's and am so glad I did. I've had fun pokin' around in here. Don't worry...I put everything back just the way it was. I'm twisted like that too!!!
From the happy hills and hollers of the Missouri Ponderosa, ya'll have a most beautiful day!!!
Crazy Sister
Wednesday 16th of March 2011
I loved "Jesus didn't have any stupid dogs."
That we KNOW of...