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I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for KitchenIQ. I received promotional items to thank me for my participation.
I love learning as much as I love teaching. It’s part of my DNA, to be a lifelong learner, and it’s my JOY to watch the light bulb come on when a new concept comes alive for someone else.
So, when I was invited participate in Kitchen IQ’s campaign to, in the words of their hashtag, #SharpenYourKitchenIQ , which translated into non-Twitterese means, to share some cool products made by Kitchen IQ with some of my friends, it was kind of like asking a Yellow Lab if he’d be interested in jumping in the creek. It’s not just a “yeah”. It’s a “Heck, yeah!!!!”.
But first, this old dog had to learn a new trick. I’ve always delegated my OWN knife sharpening to either a professional, or to my husband. There was something intimidating to me about getting the angle perfect, while stoking the blade just right. I didn’t want to do it wrong, and ruin my knives.

My friend on the left is utilizing Kitchen IQ’s Better Zester, while my friend on the right is sharpening the knife using the Edge Grip 2 Stage Knife Sharpener.
Kitchen IQ sent me a handy, adorable (who can resist the bright green color?) Edge Grip Knife Sharpener to demonstrate at a party for my friends. What I discovered was that it’s just as easy as filing your nails with an emery board, and the principle is pretty much the same. You start with the section labeled “coarse” and do a few strokes (just like you start with the grainy side of an emery board). The design of their knife sharpener is such that your blade *will* be guided at the correct angle! Then finish sharpening with a few strokes in the side labeled “fine”, rinse the blade off, and it’s ready to be used. Nothing to it! The Edge Grip bottom allows you sharpen your knife with the sharpener resting flat on the counter top, or on the edge of your countertop. It was designed in the United States by Smith’s Consumer Products, Inc., the Edge Experts Since 1886. And the best part is that this tool’s price is unbelievably affordable!
We made a delicious Potatoes Au Gratin with Cheddar Stout Sauce dish, the recipe for which you can find on Cabot cheese’s website, so that I could demonstrate Kitchen IQ’s cleverly designed Potato Tool 3 in 1 Peeler. It has a brush/scrubber, a blade for peeling, and a paring knife that is sheathed inside the handle, all in one.
Finally, I demonstrated their Better Zester tool, that not only gives you wonderfully fine citrus zest (or Parmesan cheese, or grated nutmeg, or grated chocolate), but it also catches whatever you’re grating, and has a measurement tool underneath, so you can see and measure how much of the ingredient you’ve grated! Very nifty!!! I loved all these tools, but the best part was that my friends were even more excited about them than I was, and that we all had such a great time!
They kept asking me how they could get ahold of these tools, and I promised them there would be links in my post, but they are all available through the Kitchen IQ website, and through the links I’ve placed on each separate tool’s description, which are through
I’ve had several of my friends ask me if we couldn’t get together and cook again soon. I can truthfully say that nothing would please me more! I felt a little bit like Tom Sawyer getting them to paint the fence for me, as those potatoes were scrubbed, peeled and sliced in no time, with some really sharp knives, and we all had a really great time!
(And, as an aside, isn’t my friend’s kitchen LOVELY??? I get together with these girls every Friday morning, and I had just enough Better Zesters to give to each one of them that morning, so it worked out really well, since when we’re all there, there are 14 of us!!! These women know where my skeletons are buried, but it works out OK, because I know where THEIRS are buried, too! They have walked with me through thick and thin for the past 7 years or so, and they are the heart of my heart.)
If you’d like to learn more about Kitchen IQ, you can like them on Facebook , follow them on Twitter, or follow their boards on Pinterest.
Friday 27th of November 2015
Thank you so much.
Tuesday 20th of October 2015
Very cool kitchen gadgets! I'll have to check those out! Looks like a fun group of ladies too!
Susan Williams
Wednesday 21st of October 2015
We just lacked 7 more people to have made it perfect!
Monday 19th of October 2015
Love, love, love the article and the ladies! That knife sharpener looks like something I might like to have as I use an old one that was my dad's. It's less than easy and a bit of a death trap for a klutz like me.
Monday 19th of October 2015
Hey, I have that knife sharpener! I use it all the time. I was taught to sharpen your knife before you use it and after you've washed it (by hand, of course!). There are few things more enjoyable than cooking, and eating, with friends. I envy you!
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