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Blogging Conferences: Why I Want to Go To Bloggy Boot Camp, AGAIN!

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Why go to a blogging conference?

I can answer that for myself in one word.

OK, four, if I put it in a sentence.

Are you ready for it?

“It’s THE PEOPLE, stupid.”

(Not that YOU’re stupid!!! It’s just a riff on what helped Bill Clinton keep his presidential campaign on track back in the 80’s. It was a banner on the wall of his campaign headquarters that read: “It’s the ECONOMY, Stupid.”)

I went thinking I would get great content.

And I did. I learned lots of things, to which I have given serious consideration, (especially, for me,  Amy Bradley Hole’s presentation on branding). At Bloggy Boot Camp, they promise great content for bloggers, and they deliver on that promise.

I went thinking I would be able to connect with sponsors, and I did! I’ve enjoyed quite a few perks from that trip to Hotlanta!

But what, to me, was the highlight of this conference?

It was the PEOPLE, stupid. 😀

This picture is Melissa of MomComm, and my two roomates Chloe of The Chloe Chronicles and Anne of Nota Supermom, and me.

I got to see and stay with some dear girlfriends, Anne and Chloe, who are extremely important to me, so that was an extra special benefit that I enjoyed that perhaps everyone did not. But even more than the wonderful presentations, it was making connections to the PEOPLE in the blogging world that I had not yet met that mattered.

Would I go to Bloggy Boot Camp again? In a heart beat! Couldn’t recommend a blogging conference more, especially for someone who has never been to a blogging conference before. Because Bloggy Boot Camp is designed to be a smaller group, that tends to make it less overwhelming.


But it was connecting with people like Tiffany and Francesca and Melissa and Mama Kat and Anissa in Atlanta at the Bloggy Boot Camp that I attended that was so pivotal for me. It was connecting with people I was already “virtually” fond of, who suddenly, became real human beings, in real life, whose voices I heard, whose I eyes I looked into (and who heard MY voice, and looked into MY eyes): these were the connections that for me made all the difference.

So, by all means: GO to a Bloggy Boot Camp!!! I think you’ll be glad you did!