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This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Food Lion for IZEA Worldwide. All opinions are 100% mine.
Gus is MY faithful German Shepherd companion, seen here with a box of Companion Dog Treats, part of Companion’s affordable pet products line. (But who can resist an image of a Basset Hound, ears flying?)
If it’s true that dog is a man’s best friend, then the corollary to that is that affordable pet products, including dog treats, are a dog owner’s second best friend. And if you’re uncertain as to whether or not that’s really true, allow me to introduce you to Gus.
Gus came into this world almost two years ago on Christmas day. And while his arrival was indeed a joyous event for OUR family, Gus has not, unlike that other more famous baby who shares his birthday, been without sin in the behavioral department.
Gus came into our family with a mind very much his own. I’ve owned and trained 4 dogs in my life, (two of which were also German Shepherds) but this is the first dog I’ve EVER had who was this stubborn. He’s smart as a whip, and absolutely convinced that he is a card carrying member of the Master Race. And those things I’m trying to train him to do? Well, sure, he can learn them as fast as lightning. And if he’s feeling gracious, later on, he might even demonstrate his prowess. But if he doesn’t feel like it? Fuhgeddaboudit.
Call me crazy, but I’m pretty sure that’s not what “obedience” means.
Gus is 90 lbs. worth of unbridled dog joy and enthusiasm. He LOVES his family. He loves people. He thinks each visitor who enters our home is a potential new playmate. Every day is a new day to play ball, chase a stick, and enjoy life. Life, for Gus, is good!!!!
In Gus’ eyes, the sun rises and sets on my husband. Gus knows him as “Daddy”, and absolutely adores him. One important reason for this devotion is that “Daddy” can throw the ball farther than anyone else. Therefore, Daddy has become the Chief Designated Ball Thrower/Stick Thrower.
“Daddy” and I had to figure out a system to get Gus to drop the ball. Because although Gus knows *what* “Drop It” means, it’s a whole lot more fun to play a game Gus calls, “Keep The Ball Away from Daddy”. “Tug When Daddy Grabs the Ball” is another game favored by Gus. Being smarter than this dog is hard.
We’ve decided that Gus, all 90 lbs. of him, is a little too much for our bed, so at our house, Gus isn’t allowed up on the bed. You can see in this picture how well that’s working. When Gus reverts to overstimulated toddler behavior, it’s Katy Bar The Door.
Gus, demonstrating his total disregard for obedience, in addition to how very much he resembles his portrait.
In addition to not sleeping in our bed, we decided that Gus actually doesn’t need to be on our furniture. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, how much more a short video, that we like to call, “Technically, I’m Not On Your Couch. I Have Two Feet On The Floor. Plus, I’m Wagging.”
Companion: High Quality, Affordable Pet Products
Our dog trainer talked with us about the importance of positive reinforcement when we’re training Gus, and how well Gus responds to it. Positive reinforcement can come in the form of praise, or treats, so we’ve been keeping a few dog treats in our shirt pockets. That way, whenever we catch him doing something we’ve told him to do, we can immediately follow up with a “Good Boy”, and sometimes, a “Good Boy” AND a treat.
We were starting to wonder if we were going to need to take out a loan to keep ourselves in dog treats, when I was approached by Food Lion to try out their newly named lineup of pet products. “Companion” is the new name of Food Lion’s pet line, which was formerly known by the name of Home 360 Pet brand. So I happily picked up a box of Companion Dog Treats at our nearest Food Lion. We may not have complete obedience down yet, but it’s delicious to work on it together! Companion is a trusted brand of high quality pet products that includes food, toys, treats, and accessories for your cat, dog, or bird. As if you can’t tell, I adore my pup-a-dup, Gus, and it’s important to me that his diet be well balanced, and affordable.
I love the convenience of buying the high quality products that I need for Gus at the same store where I do my grocery shopping. Companion products offer performance, nutrition, and ingredients that are comparable to national brands, but at a price that is the lowest in the category. They’re available exclusively at Food Lion. And if you don’t like them, Food Lion offers a double your money back guarantee. To me, that’s outstanding.
Food Lion Gift Card Giveaway Offer!
Food Lion has a special offer for my readers who shop at Food Lion, where Companion pet products are sold. Leave me a comment telling me what kind of pet you have, or plan on getting, and you’ll be entered for 1 of 4 $25.00 gift certificates I’m giving away for Food Lion! That ought to make your holiday grocery shopping a little merrier!
For More Information about Food Lion’s Private Brand labels click here
Click here to learn more about Food Lion’s Companion Brand product line.
Monday 3rd of December 2018
You know I want a miniature donkey!
Susan Williams
Tuesday 4th of December 2018
It's remotely possible that the Companion brand for miniature donkeys is not yet available. :D Hopefully, they'll get right on that!
Andrea Eisen
Monday 3rd of December 2018
Uhm, which one would you like to know about? I have a dog, 4 indoor cats, AND we feed two cats outside that run around the neighborhood. :)
I'm a Food Lion fan so this sounds perfect to me.
Susan Williams
Monday 3rd of December 2018
Oh, Andrea, I'm so glad you happened to see this post!!! Good luck!
Monday 3rd of December 2018
We just added a rescue puppy to our family in August. He’s very well behaved and Charlotte has him trained to eat when his jingl chimes on her phone.
Susan Williams
Monday 3rd of December 2018
How sweet is that???!!!
Monday 3rd of December 2018
I have a sibling pair of feline tyrants. Their favorite toy is Christmas tree lights.
Dana Racette
Monday 3rd of December 2018
Gus would like to eat our pets. They would make a mid morning snack for him. 2 guinea pigs are beloved by Lizza and 2 replacement rats coming from Santa.
Our cat Jack just shakes his head at it all.