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There ARE no small parts!!!

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Remember that old saw?

There ARE no small parts….Only SMALL ACTORS!!!

My kids were in Lifesong Theatre Group’s smashingly spectacular production of Beauty and the Beast.

Unfortunately for their Mama, they had teeny weeny parts. And you know how we Moms always feel our kids ought to be front and center on stage!

But, my kids took their teeny weeny parts, (as did every single stellar cast member of this awesome musical event) and went for the gusto!

This production of Beauty and the Beast was the most joyous experience! In the large musical numbers, the kids just about blew the roof off the place. My fairly-well-educated-due-to-being-married-to-a-music-pro ear was not only non-offended, and I’d go so far as to say that for the most part, the vocal performances were excellent. The kids sang like really loud, fun loving angels. (Which is bound to be the best kind of angel there is.)

My son played the Bookseller, who helped Belle procure the book she was longing to read.

On the right, you’ll see my son, the Bookseller.

And later on, during the number that garnered the entire cast a standing ovation, “Be Our Guest”, he honed his acting skills by taking on the role of cutlery, where he had the opportunity to prove that he while he may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, he’s still knows how to cut up. (There was some pretty cute silverware up there, I must say!)

No one’s gloomy or complaining when the flatware’s entertaining.

And then, there was my daughter, who I am told is quite a dish!

“It’s a treat for any diner. Don’t believe me? Ask the china!”
The lyrics from the final chorus, in case you don’t remember them:

Be our guest! Be our guest!
Our command is your request
It’s been years since we’ve had anybody here
And we’re obsessed
With your meal, with your ease
Yes, indeed, we aim to please
While the candlelight’s still glowing
Let us help you, We’ll keep going
Course by course, one by one
‘Til you shout, “Enough! I’m done!”
Then we’ll sing you off to sleep as you digest
Tonight you’ll prop your feet up
But for now, let’s eat up
Be our guest!
Be our guest!
Be our guest!
Please, be our guest!

Let me tell you, my friends Alice Griffith and Jamie Kearney, who put together this excellent production WERE kind of obsessed with the pleasure of the audience, as was the entire, fabulously talented cast. And ladies and gents, in my opinion, you FAR exceeded your goal. So, hat’s off to you!!! 

I’ll be your guest ANY old time. 

Thanks for the wonderful play!!!

And thanks for the memories!!!