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I don’t know about you, but I LOVE a good book. The down time during the holidays is one of my favorite times to dig into a great read. In general, I’ve disciplined myself into becoming more of a public library kind of girl: when funds are tight, apart from what we spend on our kid’s curriculum, books I’d enjoy purchasing for my own reading pleasure tend to get a lower priority ranking when we look at the family finances.
But when it comes to cookbooks? I love borrowing new cookbooks to try out from the library, but when I find a great one, it can be AGONY to part with it, and have to return it to the library.
I’ve been making a wish-list of cookbooks this morning that I’d love to read, from the website of Chronicle Books. And WHY, you might ask, did I compile this list?
Chronicle Books is sponsoring a giveaway called Happy Haulidays, where they will give away up to $500.00 worth of books to one lucky blogger AND another $500. 00 worth of books TO ONE OF THAT BLOGGER’S COMMENTERS! (That could be YOU!)
But, wait, it gets even better: not only will the blogger AND the commenter win, but the winning blogger also gets to choose a charity to receive up to $500.00 worth of books from Chronicle Books. And in case I win, I’m choosing the Davidson County Public Library, of Nashville, Tennessee (with love and gratitude, for all the joy they have offered my family through the years, by loaning me that very precious commodity: books!).
By creating my own wish-list, of all the books I would LOVE to own, I’m entered to win!
There are two ways for YOU to win:
1) You can create your own wish-list, and publish your own blog post. And here’s a link to their rules.
2) You can leave a comment here, and you’ll win my exact wish list (no research required on your part!).
And you can increase your chances of winning by tweeting about the contest using the hashtag #happyhaulidays, and get one extra entry per day for each day you do a tweet.
So here’s my wish list, and not surprisingly, it’s all cookbooks:
To comment, answer this question: if you had some time over the holidays, what genre of book would you be likely to choose?