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AND a super exercise to help you do them!
To all my faithful male readers:
The blog post is ended. Go in peace. Thanks for stopping by, and I promise to try to never embarrass or throw you out like this again.
(Actually, you’re welcome to stay if you like. This COULD happen to someone you love, and you need to know how to help that sweet woman.)
For all my female friends:
Let’s get our giggles out of the way first. Image from here. |
I don’t even really want to talk about it, much, actually.
On yesterday’s (re-run) Dr. Oz show, Dr. Oz talked about Pelvic Organ Prolapse, and invited three female urogynecologists to explain it. Basically, it’s a female hernia. It’s when one of 3 of your OTHER pelvic organs (either your bladder, your rectum, or your uterus) that surround the vagina, pushes into one of the walls of the vagina, and actually protrudes out of the opening of the vagina.
Are you shocked?
I admit, I kind of was! I’ve known a couple of women who had problems of this nature, but I never fully understood what was going on with them, physiologically speaking, until I watched Dr. Oz’s show yesterday.
So…(and let me cut to the chase, here, for the reason for this post) can you and I help prevent having this condition? Do the super kegel plus exercises that are in this post! Do them today! Do them often!
My friends and I have joked for years about the importance of doing kegels, and yesterday, I learned a new way to do them. I thought it would be helpful to pass this info along, despite the fact that this I am NOT a professional in the health field. Dr. Oz is, and this is the method that he and his guest experts in urogynecology recommended.
Since, admittedly, I’m NOT a medical professional, why am I talking about this?
This condition happened recently to a friend’s female relative, and neither one of them knew what to do about it. They were horrified, frightened, confused, and ashamed. And I love you all, my friends and readers, enough that I don’t want any of you to ever have to:
#1) go through it, if it can be prevented
#2) feel the emotions of confusion and fear, thinking that this has never happened to anyone else. According to the information given on the segment, some form of prolapse will happen to almost 50% of women. That is an astonishingly huge statistic!!!
Risk factors for this condition are: the aging process, childbirth, hysterectomy, and carrying excess weight. All these things can weaken the pelvic floor muscle and the ligaments that support it.
If you want to learn how to prevent it: go to the 3 minute and 30 second mark of this video, and you will see them demonstrate the Super Kegel. If you have ever practiced the kegel exercise, and been uncertain you are doing it correctly, this version of it will leave you with no doubt. It gets the job done.
(Click on the picture, and it will take you to the video on the Dr. Oz website.)
If you’d like to learn more about this seldom-publicly-discussed condition, here’s a link to the Doctor Oz show website, where you’ll see a larger video screen, and underneath it are links to Parts 1, 2, and 3 of the entire segment. I’d encourage you to watch all three parts. If it never happens to you, it’s statistically very likely it may happen to a sister, friend, mother, or daughter of yours.
Happy Kegeling!