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Well, looks like I truly am back in the saddle again, in more ways than one.
The school year has begun again, with a vengeance. And we have realized that with all the activities we have said “yes” to, we are going to be behind the wheel of our car, driving, every day of the week. Or, at least one of us will be driving. And it is a LONG drive, in and out of the Boonies.
What were we thinking? I’m not really sure. Each activity SEEMED like such a great opportunity at the time we said “yes”! I’ll start by mentioning modern dance for my daughter, who did kind an introductory class to modern dance this summer, and just loved it. Youth group at church (for both kids) is really rocking. REALLY rocking: because the worship band that my son participates in (and that my husband is mentoring) requires an extra night of rehearsal. Youth group is great; the band is great. But that’s a lot of time. Then there’s Girl Scouts – but that’s only every other week. And, oh yeah: both my kids got minor parts in a musical that a large group of families from town are putting on. That’s two rehearsals a week, for a while. And don’t forget ballet for my daughter…because we can’t give that up.
Have your eyes glazed over yet? I bet they have. If you have a family with teenagers, I bet you can top my list times three or four.
It just feels like a lot to me, because for so long, we were a peaceful, stay at home bunch of people. And because each activity requires so. much. driving.
And all those people who think homeschooled kids aren’t socialized? Well, if I had time to worry about that, in between taking my kids to all these activities, I’d give my head a rueful shake and move along to figuring out how early we need to eat dinner TOMORROW night, before we once again blast out the door.
But the thing about which I have the most excitement (or is that apprehension masquerading as excitement?) is that this year, after taking a hiatus of about six years, I am going back again to a Bible Study Fellowship class. If you don’t know what that is, it is an international organization that teaches the same Bible study class to groups of men, women and children all around the world. In other words, if I were going to be traveling this week to San Francisco, I could probably look up the BSF class there and attend it as a visiting member, and they would be studying the exact same lesson there as the people in my group back home are studying. This year, the classes will be doing a brand new study that I have never done before, so I’m going to an introductory class tonight to sign back up. They will be studying the Old Testament book of the prophet Isaiah, which is a book in the Bible I have longed to study for years. I was so intrigued by the book that one year, for our ladies’ retreat at the little church I was attending at the time, I taught my own kind of a survey study of Isaiah. It is a book full of prophecies that point toward the Branch, the coming Messiah, and Christians see those prophecies as finding their fulfillment in Jesus.
I attended BSF classes for 14 years, back when we lived in town, and was an adult discussion group leader for 7 of those 14 years, so it feels a little weird to be revisiting what SHOULD be familiar territory, but doubtless, the landscape will be changed after 6 years away. If nothing else, I have changed over those six years. The people attending the class will nearly all be new to me. I know the procedure in general, but I feel like a kid on my first day of school: I bought a brand new notebook, fresh clean notebook paper, a couple of new pens, and new highlighters for using while I read my class notes. My only concern in regard to my class supplies is that my Bible is falling apart, and the zippered fabric cover I bought for it to hold it together so many years ago is grease stained and covered in dog hair. I really OUGHT to do something about that, but I don’t have the time or the money. Oh, well. Take me as I am, grease stains, dog hairs and all.
Well, fellow cowpokes, it’s time to be moseying along. I’ve got my own little dogies to ride herd on, meals to rustle up at the old chuck wagon, and a campfire devotional to attend.
Happy Trails!!!
Wednesday 29th of September 2010
Without a doubt, you're in the very center of what will be your busiest years as a mom. It won't last forever. Your kids are turning out great! Really.
Nota Supermom
Saturday 25th of September 2010
Thanks for following me. I've always admired your blog!
A Gracious Home
Saturday 18th of September 2010
I just finished my first week lesson of Isaiah this morning. I enjoyed it very much. I went to BSFI years ago but this is the first Isaiah study so I wanted to do it. I'm glad to find someone else who loves it. My sister is a leader and my brother in law is teacher leader of a men's group. God bless you, Doylene
Thursday 16th of September 2010
I have really enjoyed reading the posts on your blog. I would like to invite you to come on over to my blot and check it out. God's blessings. Lloyd
Tuesday 14th of September 2010
Susan, I live in my car, too!! I don't live in the Boonies, but I have one child who has an activity or two every day of the week! ACK! How did this happen? My head is still spinning....Swim: M, T, Th, Fr, SatScouts: TChurch: W, SunMath Club: ThThat's one child. The other drives herself to college three days a week, youth group 2-3 days a week and hopefully soon a real job!I work at the church on Sun afternoons and play tennis 2 other days each week.WAH!!But what could I possibly say no to?? :o)Gina (Peachuvamom)