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The Boonies: before the trees budded. |
What the heck was I thinking when I named this blog “Wildlife in the Woods”?
(I actually know the answer to this question: I was thinking about the wildlife that lives in my woods, and the fact that life can get a little wild from time to time, and there’s even more to it than that, but I’m not going to hop any further down that particular bunny trail at this juncture. It was a rhetorical question.)
I would like to explain to you, however, why I posed the question.
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Ursula ponders why I posed this question, chewing thoughtfully. |
But in point of fact, I am going to first take you down another bunny trail.
I get my daily dose of reading the blogs of others through my Google Reader. All familiar with a Google Reader, (or another news aggregator site like unto it), raise your hands.
EXPERIENCED BLOG READERS SHOULD SKIP THIS PARAGRAPH. (I’m writing it for my sweet friends who come here to read my stuff because they love me, but they don’t know much about blogging.) (Or, experienced bloggers should read the paragraph carefully in order to correct me in my very limited understanding of things.) If you didn’t raise your hand in regard to being familiar with the Google Reader, you really should familiarize yourself with it, or with something like it. Google Reader is a tool that will help you keep track of the blogs you would like to follow. When you click on your Google Reader, you get a handy list of all the blogs you’ve subscribed to on the left hand side of the screen, and on the right side, is a big box/window that enables you to scroll through all the latest posts. It’s a handy, dandy little invention, and with its help, you don’t have to strain your memory to remember to check up on various friend’s blogs, nor to remember their individual blog’s addresses. Your blog roll is right there waiting for you! (Helpful hint: it’s a great idea to check out the recommendations of some of your favorite bloggers. Very often you’ll find links to their favorite reads posted right there on their blog’s page.Then, you can add to your list of top quality writers whose works you will get to enjoy on a regular basis. What fun!)
I’ve wandered far off the trail, haven’t I?
Let’s get back to the question.
Why in the heck did I name this blog “Wild Life in the Woods”??? Why did I not name it AAAA Amazing Wildlife in the Woods?
Because I just want to confess to all my fellow bloggers: by the time I make it past, about the “M”s or “N”s in my list of blog subscriptions with which I try to keep up, I am just flying through some of your blogs.
I am trying now to vary my process a bit and start at the END of the alphabet, to do all my WXYZ friends justice. It’s pathetic, always being at the end of the alphabet in school. And now, to do myself in with my own poor choice of a blog title? What a fool I was!!!
So, let’s talk about blog etiquette, shall we?
What would you like to sound off about? Have any pet peeves?
What are your thoughts on “comments”? On making them? On receiving them? On having to wait to have your comments approved by others?
Do you often leave comments when you have visited a blog? Why?
Do you rarely leave comments? Why?
What prompts you to leave a comment?
Do you use Google Reader, or something else that you like much better?
What would you like to say about the process of blogging, and reading the blogs of others?
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Cool mic picture, taken by the Big Bison. |
Sound off! The mic is yours!
ellen abbott
Wednesday 11th of May 2011
here's my pet peeve...word verification AND comment moderation. really? you need both? personally, I don't use either.
I'm not very good about replying to comments but I will visit those who comment if they aren't on my regular list.
and I try to leave a comment just to let people know I was there time permitting.
Sunday 8th of May 2011
I'm a LOT like Kristy in my blog habits. I'd love to read more but I often don't make the time for it. I try to comment but I often don't have anything worth saying and I don't like saying something lame like "nice post". Truly, though, that is sometimes all I've got in my head. ugh I love comments but don't excel at leaving them. I'm trying to do better.
Missus Wookie
Monday 2nd of May 2011
I don't do my blogs (which are in google reader) by alphabet. I've got them all filed by subject so there is 365, home schoolers, friends, cooking, scrappers, quakers etc. etc.
There are some that are really only to be looked at no responses required that I often click the 'mark all as read' for the entire folder.
Don't like music/slideshows/glittery things but also don't read them in the reader. There are firefox plugins that can let you comment from within the reader to but I'm on the wrong computer so will have to let you search for that. Greasemonkey I think.
I open each folder and deal with the blogs as I have time/energy - so friends get read carefully and responded to. Professionals that I'm reading for work, or inspiration but rarely respond to are skimmed whilst on hold or waiting for something to happen.
I only comment if I think the comment is worth putting out there as another commenter mentioned. I don't like comments that are only advertising their blog or who are commenting when they've obviously not read the post.
If someone needs a reply - it depends on the person. Some email me so I reply that way, I usually reply in the comments so anyone reading knows the answer. But if I don't think the questioner is a regular reader I go to their blog and reply there too.
Kelley Simpson
Monday 2nd of May 2011
Susan, I use Google reader in the same manner you do. I like to leave comments but much like some of the other comments here I feel I may not be leaving anything worthy enough, but I love getting comments so maybe anything is nice to get? I'm also afraid I'm going to be the blog stalker. Much like in real life I am a very non-intrusive friend and never want to wear out my welcome. I agree with Jamie Jo and Jules, please, no music or impossible type I can't read. However, I do like sparkles, probably my ADD. My daughter has music on her blog and it makes me nuts... That goes for websites too.I really enjoy straight forward writing, my pet peeve is trying to read a blog with tons of fancy words and not being able to figure out what the person is talking about. Which is why I'm reading this blog. Thanks for the discussion.
Sunday 1st of May 2011
I was a 'W' in school. Always at the end of the line. One of my criteria for marriage was that I marry someone at the front of the alphabet. And move up I did, all the way up to B!
My poor little blog is an S.