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Always a nominee, never a winner?

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Well, you do remember when my husband was nominated for a Daytime Emmy for the music he wrote for a promo for the Today Show. Right? He was nominated, but he didn’t win.

Nevertheless, we enjoyed our Excellent Emmy Adventure in L.A. We saw the sights, we dressed up, and we had a fantastic time!

On a oh, so, so, so much lesser scale (as in: the difference between a milligram and a metric ton), I was nominated today! Ha! It makes me laugh with joy, because I bet I know who nominated me, and let’s just say that I’m pretty sure that she must love me like my Momma did, even though she claims to be “Nota Supermom”. 😀

What is the high honor for which I was nominated, you ask?

The Coveted Homeschool Blog Award, of course!!!

I’m a nominee in the category of Best Encourager!!!
😀 Here’s a link.

P.S. If you do vote for me, wouldja be willing to give me a shoutout here in the comments section?
Santa Claus will be taking notes of who’s naughty and who’s nice!

Susan in the Boonies

Monday 15th of November 2010

Amy, you just made me tear up. Thanks for YOUR encouragement! Love, Susan


Monday 15th of November 2010

FYI, I did vote for you. Not because you're so beautiful. Not because you are popular with the in crowd.Not because you are talented and married to a talented guy.Not because you are a wonderful hostess.Not because any of that isn't true.But you really, truly encourage me. So even if you don't win, know that you made a difference in the life of a child of God.

amy in peru

Thursday 11th of November 2010

I just found your blog from the HSBApost... and looking forward to reading more! ;) amy in peru

Susan in the Boonies

Thursday 11th of November 2010

Thank you, Angela!


Thursday 11th of November 2010

I voted for you.